Hey folks, Just had our new tunes mastered at Abbey Road studios in London and will be preparing for the release in early March 2017! The new album reflects more the style of what we are doing live with some exciting special guest musicians. Thank you for your patience, we really wanted to make sure every detail was just the way we wanted it. This new album is the result of a team of great people including the band, producer Tyler Johnson and all of the fans who have supported our music from the very beginning.
We had a great time at our showcase at Arts Northwest and hope to play this new album all over North America in the New Year and look forward to meeting some amazing people in new cities.
To tide you over until the album release we will be releasing a new live video featuring Courage Eigbike on lead vocals... so be sure to like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/johnwelshmusic or follow us on Instagram to get updates,